Friday, August 28, 2009

A little market research... win a free kit!

At the new forum the fabulous Miss Valerie posted some questions and I thought I would love to know your answers to these as well.

1) When speaking of Alpha's do you prefer single .png files or sheets? If only one is offered does it deter you from your purchase? Or does it not matter at all?

2) What do you look for when you are in the mood to shop? Do you always look for a certain item in a kit? Elements? Paper? Colors? Etc?

3) What kind of themed kits have you been looking for and can't put your hands on it?

4) What is your biggest pet peeve about a kit once you purchase it? (you wish all designers would know to include, not include, etc)

Thanks so much ladies for your precious time! Your feedback will be very much appreciated!

I will pick one random person to win one of my kits. So get those answers in!

Did you join the forum at Daydreamer Designworks yet? I have decided to up the ante... If you list me as your referrer AND send me a PM to tell me you've joined, I will enter you into a drawing to win one of my kit bundles! Plus you will get a GOOD coupon for my grand opening weekend.


Shauna said...

1) When speaking of Alpha's do you prefer singe .png files or sheets?
If only one is offered does it deter you from your purchase? Or does it not matter at all?

I like individual files, but will work with either and it doesn't effect my choice on a kit

2) What do you look for when you are in the mood to shop? Do you always look for a certain item in a kit? Elements? Paper? Colors? Etc?

Normally the first thing that catches my eye is color, if it is a combo I like look closer. I like the kit to have a nice mix of elements, frames, flowers, ribbons (straight and curly), buttons, brads and leaves. I like lots of elements to make clusters and give different looks.

3) What kind of themed kits have you been looking for and cant put your hands on it?

Not that I can think of

4) What is your biggest pet peeve about a kit once you purchase it? (you wish all designers would know to include, not include, etc)

I don't like when kits don't have a full mix of elements. For me the more elements the better.

EBPitcher said...

1. I kind of like single sheets - less to open, ya know. But in the gand scheme it won't affect if I buy a kit or not.

2. Color and theme are my tow major attention getters. I have to like the color combo. And if there are plenty of cute elements that portray the theme. Templates included are a big plus, too.

3. Hmm. Haven't really been shopping lately for anything specific. I'm afraid I don't have an answer for this one.

4. Number one - elements without a descriptive title. I know it's easier for designers, but names make it easier for me when searching for something. And second, not including what font, (even if it was purchased) was used in the alpa, wordart, etc.

Hope this helps!

Jaydensmama said...

1) When speaking of Alpha's do you prefer singe .png files or sheets? If only one is offered does it deter you from your purchase? Or does it not matter at all?

I prefer individual letters

2) What do you look for when you are in the mood to shop? Do you always look for a certain item in a kit? Elements? Paper? Colors? Etc?
I look for cute little boy kind of kits, I love the cute little characters and cars and trucks etc.

3) What kind of themed kits have you been looking for and cant put your hands on it?
right now I can't think of a particular kit,

4) What is your biggest pet peeve about a kit once you purchase it? (you wish all designers would know to include, not include, etc)

having 5 or 6 previews and blinkies of the same kit in each folder.

Jewelle said...

I'm going to only answer a few of your questions. As far as alphas, it really doesn't matter since I use Photoshop. However, I know some PSP user's can't have the full sheet alphas. They need everything cut up for them.

Now this is my BIGGEST pet peeve! I always want a preview of the kit included in the download that is in JPEG format. Reason being, is that if you change the name of that image to FOLDER it will show up on your folder when you are outside of it. This only works on windows that I'm aware of, but it SOOO nice to have that larger pic that you scan through when looking for a particular kit. If I didn't explain that well enough, e-mail me and I can walk you through it!

techia said...

1. I personally prefer alpha sheets because it feels like less clutter.

2. I like unique elements, especially realistic looking ones. A little glitter helps also.

3. I would really like to find a kit that would work for scrapping Epcot, like a multi-country travel kit.

4. I don't really like it when the papers are huge files, because it takes up so much room on the hard drive.

Thanks for asking!


Rose said...

#1) I prefer single .png files, I hate having to cut all the letters out!! It doesn't deter me from purchasing a kit though, as I have even purchased kits with no alpha if I like the kit.
#2)I don't really go shopping...most of the time it is someone I follow that comes out with a new kit and I either love how cute the theme is or I love the colors and elements in general.
#3)I haven't seen a hunting kit (would love some mossy oak camo, some bullets, knives, guns, boots, trees and outdoorsy elements, my husband is a big time hunter and most of the kits I have for his stuff are outdoorsy but nothing specific to hunting other than a cutesie deer sticker lol)
#4) I like having a hanger (like a screw, nail head etc) to attach things with, I also like having sprinkles of glitter, sparkles, or matching element sprinkles for filling space behind the photo without really having a bunch of elements on my page. A leafy sprig, and a longer element for using in clustering.

Good quiz!!

Lorry said...

1) separate files… I drag them directly from Finder into my LO. One step. If it's a sheet, I have to open a separate window, cut out the ones I want, and copy and paste them into my LO, which is a lot more work. If I get a sheet, I will end up separating it myself because I hate them so much. I would not pay for an alpha that's in a sheet, but I would buy a full kit I like with a sheet alpha included, if that makes sense.

2) I don't think I look for a particular item or anything like that. I just look at what's in it and think, "would I actually be able to use these things in a LO?" Sometimes things look nice but I can't figure out when I'd actually use them, especially with word art.

3) Scandinavian Christmas… well, I've seen a couple but I didn't like them at all.

4) Sheet alphas, honestly, would be #1. I really hate them. I second the pre-clustered elements without the individuals, as well. I also don't like when the elements are already small. I can make things smaller a lot easier than I can make them bigger.

I wouldn't say it's a pet peeve, since I'd spend all my time being pissed off if it were, but I'll reverse it and say I TOTALLY LOVE ALL OF YOU that put non-English characters/accents in your alphas. Sometimes I can MacGuyver an ø out of what I get, but even if I can, it's a lot of work. When I see there's one already there, I get to do a little happy dance.

And I also LOOOOOOOOOOOVE that you give your items MEANINGFUL NAMES. What a massive time saver!!!

Laree said...

#1: Since I don't use photoshop, but a completley diffrent program platform to scrapbook, I HATE single page alphas. It's a huge headache to go and make them individual so I can actually use them.

#2 Usually I'm a window shopper - I just browse until something catches my eye. I'm drawn more to elements than papers though. And quick pages always make me happy!

#3 I'm not big on themed kits. I like more general use stuff.

#4 my biggest pet peeve is all the extra fluff that gets shoved in. 1 TOU doesn't bug me, but when there's a dozen blikies and web links and 3 diffrent versions of the same TOU - yah that kind of clutter bugs.

I love your stuff though!

Anonymous said...

1. Prefer single alphas. Won't buy just an alpha if it is not individual files
2. Look for colors and how versatile the "ingredients" are. Especially the patterns of the paper.
3. Looking for Karate kit and kits for pre-teen boys.
4. Wish each kit had pics of all the ingredients separately so you can see what is included. Also not real fond of the "silk flowers" and sometimes won't buy a kit if there are a bunch of them in it.
Love your kits, though!!! Keep them coming!