So I have an idea for you all...
I am moving very soon... and I went through my paper scrapping graveyard and found the 500 (I wish I was kidding) pictures I had printed out from when Alton was brand new. I went through them and I found a TON of new pictures to scrap.
I never would have paper scrapped with some of them, but because I
digi-scrap, old photos have new life! I know I can do stuff to them to make them better that would not have been possible in paper scrapping. I also would not have discovered them looking at my photo browser on my computer either... so I am really excited I had the paper photos to go through.
So my idea is this: Go through your old printed photos... there might be some gems in there!
Anyway, now that my public service announcement is done, we have some business.
You might have heard, I have a new kit, Little Sighs.
I absolutely love the newborn stage. It is the best sound in the world when your baby is resting on your shoulder and they make a tiny little sigh. So this kit is for scrapping all of those delicious newborn moments! It is filled with lots of stars, ribbon, buttons,
ric rac and other scrapping necessities!

The kit is $5.00 in my store.
(So I finally opened the Flergs alpha cutter I bought back on National Scrapbooking day. If you make alphas, you NEED it.)
Anyway, I made this tag alpha that coordinates with the kit. I have to say, this is my favorite of all of the alphas I have made thus far. It comes with the upper and lower case letters and a string and brad for hanging your tag alpha.

It is $3.00
I did another
collab with Bethany. She made these AMAZING word art element clusters that just finish the kit beautifully.

They are $3.00 in my store.
Isn't this kit yummy? Wouldn't it be great if there were a bundle for all of the fantastic extra goodies?
Well there is!

The bundle sells in my store for $9.00. That is almost 20% off if you bought the pieces separately.
If you love the word art element clusters, make sure you head over to Bethany's store.

She has another set of the word art element clusters for sale.
and now, the inspiration.
First we have a layout from
Jeni who is not on my CT, but she won this kit for free at the
Gingerscraps Forum.

I love how she shows it does not have to be a baby kit!
Next from
Jenn also used
my template set for this layout. :)
and from
Juli just got back from a trip to Maui. Lucky girl!
This is the first layout I made with this kit.

I hardly ever re-use a kit and I know I will use this one more than once! By the way, these pictures were photos I found during my paper scavenger hunt. ;)
If you get this kit, please e-mail me and send me a link to your layout. I would LOVE to see it!
Happy Scrapping!