Wow! You guys really liked my previous quick page for this kit! As of this morning I had 300 downloads! I just want to say thank you for all of you who like my "work". It is very gratifying to know that people like the way I "arrange stuff". :)
I would also like to say welcome to those of you who found your way here from Ikea Goddess and other freebie sites. I hope you like what you see here and come back again soon. I am blown away that I got picked up by Ikea Goddess!
And now onto the good stuff. I have another Sophisticated Grunge Quick Page for you. Don't forget to go to
Amber's blog and download it.

Download Link Expired
Please let me know if you use it. I would love to see what other people do with my pages!
As usual, click the image to go to 4Shared to download. Ple